Ministry Coaching for Generational Leaders


We Must Plan For Rest

I’m concerned - deeply concerned - about the state of leaders right now.


1.      We’ve been going at it hard for 3 years and our physical, emotional, mental, relational, and spiritual reserves are empty.

2.     Our adrenal glands are shot.

3.     We’re addicted to adrenaline – and it’s so normalized we don’t even realize we’re addicted.

We must plan for rest.

It was seven years ago when I began my sabbatical. Sabbatical seems to be on the minds of a lot of leaders right now. I have friends who just began a sabbatical, are in the middle of one, or who are just beginning re-entry after finishing a sabbatical. And our team of coaches is walking alongside of several leaders right now who are dreaming about, or planning for an upcoming sabbatical, are currently engaging in a sabbatical, or are re-entering into their leadership context post-sabbatical.

There is never a convenient time to rest. But we must choose rest. As Justin Khoe said so powerfully, “You will sabbath through choice or by force.”

You may not be able to engage in a sabbatical, but you can still choose rest. It’s the best thing you for you and those around you.

If you need help dreaming, planning or communicating a sabbatical we would love to partner with you. Reach out for a free 30 minute coaching session.

J.R. Briggs