Ministry Coaching for Generational Leaders


Books That Have Had the Greatest Impact On My Life


As the adage goes leaders are readers.

I love talking with other leaders about what they are reading and what books have impacted them most significantly.

Authors who have impacted me greatly

Before I list specific books, however, it’s important to start with the authors who have shaped me the most. Authors, of course, write books that impact readers - and as an author myself, I know just how difficult (and, at times, excruciating) it is to arrange letters in such a way that is clear, compelling, and engaging for readers.

There is a select group of authors who continue to shape me with each book they write, no matter what the topic may be. I have read their works extensively – and will continue to read whatever they publish, no questions asked.

·       Eugene Peterson

·       Dallas Willard

·       N.T. Wright

·       Henri Nouwen

·       C.S. Lewis

·       Malcolm Guite

·       Andy Crouch

·       Malcolm Gladwell

·       Jim Collins

·       Mary Oliver

·       Billy Collins

·       Cal Newport



When leaders ask me, I always start by sharing that the Bible has shaped me more than any other book. In addition to Scripture, there are many books that have shaped who I am today. Many of these books have been so impactful that I re-read them, some titles I re-read each year. You’ll notice my list is absent of fiction books. Truth be told, I only read non-fiction. (This often ruffles the feathers of many of my friends). Here they are, in no particular order.

·       How to Read a Book (Mortimer Adler)

·       The Divine Conspiracy (Dallas Willard)

·       Renovation of the Heart (Dallas Willard)

·       Knowledge of the Holy (A.W. Tozer)

·       In the Name of Jesus (Henri Nouwen)

·       The Cost of Discipleship (Dietrich Bonhoeffer)

·       A Long Obedience in the Same Direction (Eugene Peterson)

·       The Wounded Healer (Henri Nouwen)

·       Working the Angles (Eugene Peterson)

·       The Upside-Down Kingdom (Donald Kraybill)

·      Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes (Kenneth Bailey)

·       The Effective Executive (Peter Drucker)

·       Resident Aliens (Hauerwas and Willimon)

·       The Shaping of Things To Come (Hirsch and Frost)

·       Lectures to My Students (Charles Spurgeon)

·       Jesus the Teacher (Herman Horne)

·       Spiritual Leadership (Oswald Sanders)

·       Canoeing the Mountains (Tod Bolsinger)

·       The Jesus Creed (Scot McKnight)

·       Slide:ology (Nancy Duarte)

·       Surprised by Hope (NT Wright)

·       Deep Work (Cal Newport)

·       Strength to Strength (Arthur Brooks)

·       Essentialism (Greg McKeown)

·       A Failure of Nerve (Edwin Friedman)

·       Crucial Conversations (Grenny and others)

·       Multipliers (Liz Wiseman)

·       Getting Things Done (David Allen)

·       Ready for Anything (David Allen)

·       Thanks for the Feedback (Sheila Heen)

·       Turning Pro (Steven Pressfield)

·       On Writing Well (William Zinsser)

·       The Elements of Style (Strunk & White)

J.R. Briggs